Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I blinked

It's happening exactly the way I envisioned it. When my son was born I held him constantly. Against the advice of my mother and husband who insisted I needed my rest from the c-section surgery and a couple of other minor complications. I couldn't resist, I was completely in love. The slightest movement or sound captivated me. During my sleep deprived days and nights I stared, and cuddled and kissed my little boy. Enjoying every second of it, because I knew how short-lived those would become. My baby turned 2 years old yesterday and I swear it seems like only months ago my son was a helpless infant. Now he can unlock my ipod, turn on the t.v., crawl into the backseat of my car and sit himself in his carseat. I'm in awe of him every day, and I find myself treasuring every minute, knowing that time will elude me again and my little boy will be a man.