Monday, October 26, 2009

Virginia to California

I've been flying back home to California for years now. Through trial & error I've become a seasoned flyer. I've been able to help my son become an old pro like his Mom. I'm heading back home in 3 weeks w/ my now 2 year old. The #1 rule is to give yourself plenty of time. My little man walks EVERYWHERE! From the long term parking lot to the airport gate. In the beginning I tended to carry him (Ergo carrier rocks!) or push him in my stroller and because I was always rushing and inevitably stressed; that state of mind distracted me from paying attention to what he really needed or wanted.

So now he walks alongside me and pulls his little blue “Diego” backpack on wheels. It feels like forever but it’s so worth it, when I don't hear a peep out of him on the entire 5 1/2 hour flight. Between his carry on and mine. I pack tons of goldfish, pretzels, lollipops, popcorn, fruit and juice. He loves to open his own back pack and take out what he wants. I also bring his favorite books, a coloring book and crayons. His DVD player and a new DVD (besides his favorites) my Ipod Touch is stocked with episodes of everything from Super Why to Max and Ruby. The Ipod touch also has awesome toddler games that he loves! He’s dressed in comfortable layers and when’s he is finally ready for his nap, mommy pulls out his favorite blanket and stuffed animal.

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